
Asbria is one of the four countries on the continent of the Coil, dedicated to the Major Arcana god A consumption, returned.

A country known for its prosperous agriculture, thriving townships, and a passionate and lively populace, Asbria’s lands make up the Eastern region of the Coil. Asbria is a domain known for its penchant for extremes— the humid and lush rainforest that is the Martyrmaker Wood juxtaposed by the arid and blistering Cesceth Desert; the precipitous and looming Ambermere Range compared to the curious subterranean burrow-towns dotting the Kisim Moorlands.

This wide spectrum exists for the people as well: for in Asbria there can be found the most wealthy of barons and the most destitute of shrews. Life in such a diverse and possibility laden land is what you make of it. Many Asbrians say of their own country that it is a “land that eats its own young”— and it seems that the people of Asbria have no problem consuming in return.


Asbria is ruled with not an iron fist but a bejeweled one: by the Mirrored Viziers, a pair of twin siblings whose position has been passed down from a long line of twin rulers before them. The House of Reflect and the twin rulers it produces is the royal line that has overseen Asbria since it’s inception. With a wealth rumored to be a number so high it is difficult to conceive, the House funds and manages all a manner of projects throughout the country but is known to spend a pretty penny on it’s crowning jewel— their military/peacekeeping force that is the Argent Regiment.

The gleaming silver garb of the Argent Regiment is as ostentatious as it is infamous: present and ready to enforce the law in almost every corner of Asbria. Indeed, the Argent Regiment has become synonymous with the country itself, for even in lands far away their lustrous visage has become a symbol of Asbrian rule. Where the Mirrored Viziers act as the brains of the House of Reflect, the Argent Regiment act as the body, carrying out the will of the monarchy with armor unblemished.
